Table of Contents


1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                          1-1

1.1       Background                                                                                                       1-1

1.2       Purpose and Scope of the EIA                                                                           1-1

1.3       EIA Study Area                                                                                                 1-3

1.4       Structure of the Report                                                                                      1-4


2.         DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT                                                            2-1

2.1       Introduction                                                                                                       2-1

2.2       Scope of the Project                                                                                          2-1

2.3       Need of the Project                                                                                           2-1

2.4       Consideration of Different Alignment Options and Built-forms                             2-2

2.5       Justifications and Consideration of Alternative Built-forms                                   2-5

2.6              Consideration of Alternative Construction Methods and Sequences of

            Works                                                                                                               2-6

2.7       Description of the Selected Alignment and Proposed Engineering Works            2-7

2.8       Construction Programme                                                                                   2-7

2.9       Concurrent Projects                                                                                           2-9


3.         NOISE IMPACTS                                                                                          3-1

3.1       Introduction                                                                                                       3-1

3.2       Operational Noise                                                                                             3-1

3.2.1    Environmental Legislations, Policies, Plans and Standards                                   3-1

3.2.2    Noise Sensitive Receivers                                                                                  3-1

3.2.3    Assessment Methodology                                                                                3-11

3.2.4    Prediction and Evaluation of Noise Impacts                                                      3-16

3.2.5    Proposed Noise Mitigation Measures                                                               3-21

3.2.6    Assessment of Noise Impacts with the Application of Mitigation Measures        3-23

3.2.7    Residual Impact                                                                                               3-33

3.2.8    Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                 3-33

3.2.9    Conclusions                                                                                                     3-34

3.3       Construction Noise                                                                                          3-34

3.3.1    Environmental Legislations, Policies, Plans and Standards                                 3-34

3.3.2    Assessment Methodology                                                                                3-35

3.3.3    Prediction and Evaluation of Noise Impacts                                                      3-35

3.3.4    Proposed Noise Mitigation Measures                                                               3-40

3.3.5    Assessment of Noise Impacts with the Application of Mitigation Measures        3-43

3.3.6    Residual Impact                                                                                               3-47

3.3.7    Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                 3-49

3.3.8    Conclusions                                                                                                     3-50


4          AIR QUALITY IMPACTS                                                                           4-1

4.1       Introduction                                                                                                       4-1

4.2       Environmental Legislation, Polices, Standards and Criteria                                  4-1

4.3       Identification Air Sensitive Receivers                 4-2

4.4       Identification of Potential Air Quality Impacts                4-7

4.5       Assessment Methodologies                                                                                4-9

4.6       Evaluation of Air Quality Impacts                                                                     4-22

4.7       Recommendations for Monitoring and Audit                                                     4-30

4.8       Conclusions                                                                                                     4-31


5.         WATER QUALITY IMPACT                                                                        5-1

5.1       Introduction                                                                                                       5-1

5.2       Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans and Standards                                     5-1

5.3       Sensitive Receivers                                                                                            5-8

5.4       Description of the Environment              5-8

5.5       Identification and Evaluation of Water Quality Impact                5-11

5.6       Identification and Evaluation of Cumulative Water Quality Impact                     5-12

5.7       Mitigation Measures for Water Quality Impact                                                 5-13

5.8       Residual Impacts on Water Quality                                                                  5-16

5.9       Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                 5-16

5.10     Conclusions                                                                                                     5-16


6.         WASTE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS                                              6-1

6.1       Introduction                                                                                                       6-1

6.2       Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans and Standards                                     6-1

6.3       Assessment Methodology                                                                                  6-5

6.4       Identification of Potential Sources of Impacts                 6-5

6.5       Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts                   6-5

6.6       Mitigation Measures for Adverse Environmental Impacts                                    6-7

6.7       Evaluation of Residual Impacts              6-11

6.8       Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                 6-11

6.9       Land Contamination Assessment                                                                      6-11

6.10     Conclusions                                                                                                     6-13


7.         LANDFILL GAS HAZARD 7-1

7.1       Introduction                                                                                                       7-1

7.2       Assessment Scope                                                                                             7-1

7.3       Potential Hazards Associated with Landfill Gas              7-1

7.4       Assessment Methodology                                                                                  7-2

7.5       Description and History of Gin Drinkers Bay Landfill                 7-4

7.6       Landfill Gas Risk Assessment                7-5

7.7       Proposed Protection and Precautionary Measures                                            7-13

7.8       Environmental Monitoring & Audit                                                                   7-17

7.9       Conclusions                                                                                                     7-17


8.         LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT                                  8-1

8.1       Introduction                                                                                                       8-1

8.2       Legislations, Policies, Plans and Standards                                                         8-1

8.3       General Approach                                                                                             8-1

8.4       Terminology                                                                                                      8-2

8.5       Impact Assessment                                                                                            8-2

8.6       The Study Area                                                                                                 8-3

8.7       Consultation with Relevant Departments                                                             8-3

8.8       Methodology for Landscape Impact Assessment                                                8-3

8.9       Landscape Sensitivity                                                                                         8-3

8.10     Magnitude of Landscape Impacts                                                                       8-4

8.11     Significance of the Landscape Effects                8-5

8.12     Visual Assessment Methodology                                                                        8-7

8.13     Mitigation                                                                                                          8-8

8.14     Environmental Legislation and Guidelines                                                            8-8

8.15     Planning & Development Review                                                                       8-9

8.16     Baseline Conditions Year 2011             8-13

8.17     Landscape Resources LR                                                                                8-16

8.18     Landscape Character Area                                                                              8-17

8.19     Landscape  and visual Effect Assessment Methodology                                    8-18

8.20     Landscape Resources LR effects                                                                     8-19

8.21     Landscape Character Area LCA effects                                                           8-19

8.22     Visual Effects                                                                                                   8-22

8.23     Visual Sensitive Receivers VSRs                                                                      8-23

8.24     Mitigations                                                                                                       8-26

8.25     Residual Impacts                                                                                             8-29

8.26     Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                 8-29

8.27     Summary of Conclusions                                                                                  8-29


9.         HAZARD TO LIFE                                                                                        9-1

9.1       Introduction                                                                                                       9-1

9.2       Yau Kom Tau Water Treatment Works Location and Operations                       9-3

9.3       Tsuen Wan Road Upgrading Project                                                                  9-6

9.4       Meteorological Conditions and Population Data                                                 9-6

9.5       Hazard Identification                                                                                        9-22

9.6       Consequence Analysis              9-34

9.7       Rationalisation of Chlorine Release scenarios And estimation of Scenario Frequencies                                                                                                   9-45

9.8       Quantitative Risk Assessment                                                                           9-54

9.9       Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                  9-61

9.10     References                                                                                                      9-62


10.       ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS                                                                          10-1

10.1     Introduction                                                                                                     10-1

10.2     Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria                     10-1

10.3     Assessment Methodology                                                                                10-1

10.4     Baseline Conditions                                                                                         10-2

10.5     Evaluation of Habitats                                                                                      10-3

10.6     Impact Identification                                                                                        10-6

10.7     Impact Evaluation                                                                                            10-6

10.8     Mitigation Measures                                                                                        10-8

10.9     Residual Impacts                                                                                             10-8

10.10   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                 10-8

10.11   Conclusions                                                                                                     10-8


11.       CULTURAL HERITAGE IMPACTS                                                         11-1

11.1     Introduction                                                                                                     11-1

11.2     Legislations and Applicable Standards               11-1

11.3     Study Methodology                                                                                         11-2

11.4     History of the Tsuen Wan Area             11-2

11.5     Potential Impacts Upon the Cultural Heritage along the Alignment                     11-8

11.6     Conclusions                                                                                                   11-10


12.       ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND AUDIT                                12-1

12.1     Introduction                                                                                                     12-1

12.2     Noise                                                                                                              12-1

12.3     Air Quality                                                                                                       12-2

12.4     Water Quality                                                                                                  12-2

12.5     Landfill Gas Hazards                                                                                        12-2

12.6     Waste Management                                                                                         12-2

12.7     Hazard to Life                                                                                                 12-2

12.8     Landscape and Visual                                                                                      12-3

12.9     Ecological                                                                                                        12-3

12.10   Cultural Heritage                                                                                              12-3


13.       CONCLUSIONS                                                                                           13-1

13.1     Introduction                                                                                                     13-1

13.2     Environmental Outcomes                                                                                 13-1

13.3     Noise Impacts                                                                                                 13-6

13.4     Air Quality Impacts                                                                                          13-7

13.5     Water Quality Impacts              13-7

13.6     Waste Management Implications                                                                      13-7

13.7     Landfill Gas Hazards                                                                                        13-8

13.8     Landscape & Visual Impacts                                                                           13-8

13.9     Ecological Impacts                                                                                           13-8

13.10   Cultural Heritage Impacts                                                                                 13-9

13.11   Hazard to Life                                                                                                 13-9

13.12   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                               13-11

13.13   Overall Conclusion                                                                                        13-11

13.14   References                                                                                                    13-12



MITIGATION MEASURES                                                                       14-1




List of Figures




Figure 2-1

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4

General Layout of the Project

Figure 2-2

Sheet 1, 2, 3

Typical Sections of Tsuen Wan Road in the Project

Figure 2-3

Sheet 1, 2, 3

Construction Programme for Tsuen Wan Bypass, Widening of Tsuen Wan Road between Tsuen Tsing Interchange and Kwai Tsing Interchange and Associated Junction Improvement Works

Figure 2-4

Project Works Areas

Figure 2-5

Typical Construction Sequence

Figure 2-6

Option 1 Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4,

Option 2 Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4,

Option 3,

Option 4,

Option 5

Alignment Options





Figure 3-1

Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4

DP Road Extents of the Project

Figure 3-2

Assessment Areas for Noise Impact Assessment

Figure 3-3

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Locations of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers

Figure 3-4

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Locations of Selected Noise Assessment Points at each NSR

Figure 3-5

Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Locations and Cross Sections of Proposed Direct Noise Mitigation Measures





Figure 4-1

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Representative Air Sensitive Receivers Under EIAO

Figure 4-2


Location of Tsuen Wan Air Quality Monitoring Station and Ching Pak House Automatic Weather Station

Figure 4-3

Location of Concurrent Projects

Figure 4-4

Sheet 1, 2, 3

Location of Chimneys

Figure 4-5

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Predicted Cumulative Hourly NO2 Concentration At Worst Hit Level 1.5m Above Ground

Figure 4-6

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Predicted Cumulative Daily NO2 Concentration At Worst Hit Level 1.5m Above Ground

Figure 4-7

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Predicted Cumulative Daily RSP Concentration At Worst Hit Level 1.5m Above Ground





Figure 5-1


Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers and EPD Routine Water Quality Monitoring Stations





Figure 6-1

Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Locations and Associated Extent of Cut and Fill Areas

Figure 6-2

Key Plan, Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Location of Potential Contamination Land Uses





Figure 7-1

Location of Tsuen Wan Road Relative To Gin Drinkers Bay Landfill

Figure 7-2

Consultation Zone of Gin Drinkers Bay Landfill and Locations of Landfill Gas Monitoring Points

Figure 7-3

Diverted Utility Routes to be Designated as “Special Routes”

Figure 7-4

Details of Possible Cut-off Barriers for New Utilities Crossing Consultation Zone





Figure 8-1

Tsuen Wan Outline Zoning Plan Plan No. S/TW/25

Figure 8-2

Kwai Chung Outline Zoning Plan Plan No. S/KC/21

Figure 8-3

Baseline Landscape Resources & Landscape Character Areas and Photographs

Figure 8-3a

Landscape Character Areas On Site Photos

Figure 8-4

Visual Envelope

Figure 8-4a

Zone of Visual Influence and Key Visual Sensitive Receptors VSRs

Figure 8-5

Figure 8-6

Figure 8-7

Figure 8-8

Figure 8-9

Conceptual Landscape Layout (Sheet 1 of 5)

Conceptual Landscape Layout (Sheet 2 of 5)

Conceptual Landscape Layout (Sheet 3 of 5)

Conceptual Landscape Layout (Sheet 4 of 5)

Conceptual Landscape Layout (Sheet 5 of 5)

Figure 8.10a

Conceptual Landscape Layout and Photomontages – 1

Figure 8.10b

Conceptual Landscape Layout and Photomontages – 2

Figure 8-10c

Conceptual Landscape Layout and Photomontages – 3

Figure 8.10d

Conceptual Landscape Layout and Photomontages – 4

Figure 8-10e

Conceptual Landscape Layout and Photomontages – 5

Figure 8-11

Schedule of Landscape Resources & Characters Effects

Figure 8-12

Schedule of Visual Effects

Figure 8-13

Figure 8-14

Figure 8-15

Road Cross Sections (Sheet 1 of 3)

Road Cross Sections (Sheet 2 of 3)

Road Cross Sections (Sheet 3 of 3)

Figure 8-16

Details of Bridge Deck Planter

Figure 8-17

Details of Planter at Bridge Pier

Figure 8-18

Images of Propose Planter

Figure 8-19

Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Tree Survey Plan





Figure 9-1

Site Layout of Yau Kom Tau Water Treatment Works

Figure 9-2

Site Location of Yau Kom Tau WTW

Figure 9-3

Tsuen Wan Road Upgrading Project and the Developments Planned in its Vicinity

Figure 9-4

Population Map

Figure 9-5

Scheme of Traffic Lanes included in the Traffic Impact Assessment for the Project

Figure 9-6

Frequency Number FN Curves for “Background” General Population

Figure 9-7

Frequency Number FN Curves for “Updated” General Population

Figure 9-8

Individual Risk Levels





Figure 10-1

Sheet 1, 2

Habitat Map of Study Area for Ecological Impact Assessment





Figure 11-1

Historic Settlement Pattern in Tsuen Wan


List of Appendices


Appendix 3


Appendix 3-A

Photos of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 3-B

Building Layout Plans of Planned NSRs – Residential Developments at TW5, TW6, TW7 and TWTL 394

Appendix 3-C 

Photos of NSRs which are Government Aided Schools

Appendix 3-D

Source of Information Showing Government Aided Schools Under the “Noise Abatement Programme”

Appendix 3-E

Photos of NSRs with Window-type Air-conditioners Installed

Appendix 3-F

Source of Information Showing the Land Uses as Service Apartments with the Application of Central Air Conditioning for Chelsea Court TWTL 373, Indi Home TWTL 406 and H-Cube TWTL 407

Appendix 3-G

Correspondences for the Endorsement of the Final TIA Review Report Issued in January 2007

Appendix 3-H

Traffic Forecast at Year 2010 and Year 2030 in the Final TIA Review Report Issued in January 2007

Appendix 3-I

Locations and Photos of Existing Noise Mitigation Measures on Route 9 in Front of Summit Terrace and on Tsuen King Circuit

Appendix 3-J

Locations of Planned Noise Mitigation Measures on Tuen Mun Road and on Yeung Uk Road

Appendix 3-K

Correspondence for Information of Planned Noise Mitigation Measures and Low Noise Surfacing Pavement

Appendix 3-L

Typical Computer Plot of the “RoadNoise® 2000” Model

Appendix 3-M

Detailed Calculations for Construction Noise Impact Assessment and Complete PME Inventory

Appendix 3-N

Detailed Predicted Road Traffic Noise Results at Each Noise Assessment Point under the Unmitigated Scenario

Appendix 3-O

Detailed Predicted Road Traffic Noise Results at Each Noise Assessment Point under the Mitigated Scenario

Appendix 3-P

Correspondence Showing the Anticipated Development Completion Dates of Residential Development at TW5 and TW7



Appendix 4


Appendix 4-A

Photos of Air Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 4-B

Road Link Map

Appendix 4-C

Adjustments on Exhaust Technology Fractions

Appendix 4-D

Estimated population in year 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030

Appendix 4-E

Trips per VMT

Appendix 4-F

Details of Annual Traffic Census Core Station 5010, 5018, 5026, 5030 and 5035

Appendix 4-G

Meteorology Information

Appendix 4-H

Sensitivity Test of Emission Inventory and Calculation of Emission Factors

Appendix 4-I

Speed Fraction

Appendix 4-J

Sensitivity Test Speed Fraction

Appendix 4-K

Surface Roughness

Appendix 4-L

Supplementary Information for CALINE4 Model

Appendix 4-M

Calculation of Portal Emission

Appendix 4-N

Photographic Survey for Chimney Inventory

Appendix 4-O

Request Letter and Responses for Chimney Inventory

Appendix 4-P

Chimney Emission Inventory

Appendix 4-Q

Calculation of Air Quality Inside Full Noise Enclosure

Appendix 4-R

Sample Input Files of EMFAC-HK Model

Appendix 4-S

Sample Input Files of CALINE4 Model

Appendix 4-T

Sample Input Files of ISCST3 Model

Appendix 4-U

Predicted Worst Case Average Pollutant Concentrations at ASRs



Appendix 8


Appendix 8-A

Tree Schedule

Appendix 8-B

Conceptual Planting Plan



Appendix 9


Appendix 9-A

DRIFT Flat Terrain Dispersion Modelling

Appendix 9-B 

Wind Tunnel Test Results

Appendix 9-C

CFD Modelling Results for Sha Tin WTW and Tai Po Tau WTW

Appendix 9-D

Application of Dispersion Modelling Results in QRA

Appendix 9-E

Chlorine Cloud Height Predictions

Appendix 9-F

Modelling of Escape from Chlorine Cloud

Appendix 9-G

Seismic Hazard Assessment

Appendix 9-H 

Aircraft Crash Frequency Assessment

Appendix 9-I

Frequency Estimation

Appendix 9-J

Traffic Projections from the Project Traffic Impact Assessment

Appendix 9-K

Probability of Fatality for the Indoor Population



Appendix 10


Appendix 10-A

Flora Species Recorded at Different Habitats